This!!! It is so frustrating to watch a horse walk around in pain. Some vets want to inject, don’t even advise changes in shoeing. People... veterinarians can’t be experts at all things. Think about it. Do you go to your family dr for a tooth ache? Or appendicitis? No. You go to a dentist or a surgeon. Find a vet who understands feet. For 5yrs with my mare I played the injection game. I did everything the vet and farrier told me to. I spent close to $10k. Her back was sore, her feet were sore. We injected everywhere. It wasn’t until I started doing my own research and figured out the feet were the culprit and the hind feet probably started it, that changes started to happen. The vet and farriers were focused on her front feet. I was concerned about her hinds. She was abscessing constantly in all 4 feet. I threw good money after bad on x rays, MRI’s, injections, osphos, therapeutic farriers recommended by veterinarians, supplements, you name it. Only to be told she shouldn’t be that lame. She had inflammation in her tendons and ligaments. Turn her out for a year and hope for the best. I had to find a hoof care practitioner who focused on feet from the inside out and their effect on the rest of the body. I had to find a veterinarian who was more educated about feet.
Find qualified professionals. Be an advocate for your horse.
Updated: Apr 19, 2021
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