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Schedule updates

July is around the corner. Crazy how fast this year as gone. I have such a cool group of clients. They make time fly ❤️.

June lesson spots are full. This includes virtual lessons.

July is booking and has limited availability. I have some out of town clinics and will make my yearly trip to see family.

August will have limited availability during the first part of the month.

I will not be taking any new outside horses until late August/early September. Contracts and deposits hold spaces. 3 month minimum for training. 4 month minimum for rehab. Tune ups for horses on a current lesson program or those that have been for training before, minimums are based on a case by case basis.

Clinic dates for 2024 are full. I have started booking 2025. Clinic dates are held with a signed contract and deposit. I will only be doing 12 clinics off site next year.

I look forward to seeing everyone’s progress as we work together. Thank you for trusting me to help you.

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