The heat in Texas is creating a struggle for humans and horses. Most of us do not want to be out in the heat. But the horses are not having a great time in the heat either. The horses aren't moving much. They are struggling with tight muscles, some have tender feet, a few may be getting a bit round. As hard as it is for us to get out, movement is key for helping our horses and it is good for us. Even if you only spent 15-20 minutes walking your horse in hand or under saddle, you will be doing them a favor. You will get the muscles moving helping their joints, organs and muscles. You will increase blood flow and help burn sugars. You will help loosen up fascia and decrease the risk of colic. Most of us can tolerate the heat for the 30 to 60 minutes it will take to get our horses 15-20 minutes of exercise.
Trainer’s Tip Tuesday
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